
QuickTile’s behaviour is currently controlled by a .ini-like configuration file stored at ~/.config/quicktile.cfg.

It will be generated/regenerated from a set of defaults when QuickTile is run if it does not exist.

At present, due to the .ini format’s inability to handle arbitrary hierarchical data, configuration beyond what is listed here requires modifying QuickTile’s source code, though it is planned to switch to a new configuration format which will remedy this.

Configuration File Syntax

The configuration is split into two sections:


This section controls everything except keybindings, and currently recognizes the following keys:

cfg_schema = 1

This key must be present and set to 1. It was included as a means for QuickTile to identify the format of the config file if it becomes necessary to break compatibility with the current setup without changing to an entirely new file format.

ColumnCount = 3

This controls the number of steps that commands like top-left will cycle through and is used to derive the column width that steps other than “half of the screen” will be multiples of.

Each preset will have 1 + columns steps with the first step occupying either half the monitor width or the full width, as appropriate.

It defaults to 3 for equivalence to WinSplit Revolution but you will probably want to increase it if you have a particularly large or wide monitor.

At present, no provision is made to deduplicate this in the columns=2 case and, for larger multiples of 2, it is considered desirable to have “half width” present both at the beginning of the sequence and at its natural position in the progression.

There is currently no equivalent for modifying the number of rows because each command hard-codes for a row or span of rows, and until QuickTile’s internals are renovated further, it is not possible to define new commands without editing the code.

(However, the code in question is designed to be reasonably simple to edit if you need to and can be found in quicktile.layout.make_winsplit_positions().)

ModMask = <Ctrl><Alt>

This provides an easy way to set a shared prefix for all QuickTile keybindings.

For example, setting <Mod4> would turn a binding to KP_0 into Win + Keypad 0.

MovementsWrap = True

This controls whether the monitor-*, workspace-go-*, and workspace-send-* commands wrap around when they reach the edge of the desktop/workspace.

(eg. Whether workspace-go-left will take you to the rightmost workspace if you call it enough times.)


This section has no specific field names but, rather, allows you to map hotkey sequences in to QuickTile commands.

A list of valid commands is available either in the Command Reference section or by running QuickTile with the --show-actions option in a terminal.

Both the keys and values must parse as str.

As an example of the correct format, here is the default contents of the [keys] section as of QuickTile 0.4:

KP_0 = maximize
KP_1 = bottom-left
KP_2 = bottom
KP_3 = bottom-right
KP_4 = left
KP_5 = center
KP_6 = right
KP_7 = top-left
KP_8 = top
KP_9 = top-right
KP_Enter = monitor-switch
<Shift>KP_1 = move-to-bottom-left
<Shift>KP_2 = move-to-bottom
<Shift>KP_3 = move-to-bottom-right
<Shift>KP_4 = move-to-left
<Shift>KP_5 = move-to-center
<Shift>KP_6 = move-to-right
<Shift>KP_7 = move-to-top-left
<Shift>KP_8 = move-to-top
<Shift>KP_9 = move-to-top-right
V = vertical-maximize
H = horizontal-maximize
C = move-to-center

Keybinding Syntax

Both the ModMask field and the [keys] section use the syntax accepted by Gtk.accelerator_parse() and you can use modifier keys in both places. (ModMask is prepended to each [keys] value before parsing it.)

GTK+ modifier syntax looks like this:


The important things to keep in mind for using it are:

  1. Do not put any spaces inside your keybind string.

  2. Modifier names and non-modifier key names are not the same thing.

  3. Modifier names are case-insensitive.

  4. Key names like Down are case-sensitive. (Don’t let the letter keys fool you. Those work the way they do because A and a are two separate names for the same key.)

Valid Modifier Names

I haven’t found a comprehensive document listing the modifier names Gtk.accelerator_parse() accepts, but here are the names I’m aware of with consistent mappings:

  • Mappings that should be consistent across pretty much any system:

    • Control: <Control>, <Ctrl>, <Ctl>, <Primary>

    • Shift: <Shift>, <Shft>

    • Alt: <Alt>, <Mod1>

  • Mappings which worked for me but I can’t make any guarantees for:

    • Windows Key: <Mod4>

    • AltGr: <Mod5>

  • Mappings which are possible but need to be manually set up using setxkbmap and xmodmap:

    • <Mod3> (I redefined Caps Lock as Hyper_L and bound it to this)

  • Modifiers which cause QuickTile to error out deep in python-xlib because GTK+ maps them to integers beyond the limits of the X11 wire protocol:

    • <Meta>

    • <Super>

    • <Hyper>

Valid Key Names

GTK+ key names are just X11 key symbols so the simplest way to identify the name for a key is to use the xev(1) command. Just run it in a terminal and press the key you want. It will print out something like this:

KeyPress event, serial 41, synthetic NO, window 0x8400001,
   root 0x291, subw 0x0, time 2976251798, (149,-352), root:(192,460),
   state 0x10, keycode 116 (keysym 0xff54, Down), same_screen YES,
   XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
   XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:
   XFilterEvent returns: False

The part you want is the Down inside the (keysym 0xff54, Down).

Troubleshooting xev

  • If nothing happens, make sure the xev(1) window (and not the terminal) has focus.

  • If pressing the key triggers some messages but you do not see one which says KeyPress event, it’s likely that some other program has already grabbed that key combination.


QuickTile will fail to bind keys such as Super_L (left Windows key) as normal keys if they have been configured to function as modifiers.

You can use the xmodmap(1) command to view your current modifier assignments.