.. IMPORTANT: Sphinx's text output silently erases hyperlinks without presenting the URLs in another fashion and renders inline images in a somewhat ugly style. Please bear this in mind when editing. Authors ======= .. only:: text IMPORTANT: THIS DOCUMENT IS AUTOGENERATED. To update it, modify docs/authors/index.rst in the QuickTile source distribution and run docs/update_authors.sh NOTE: Due to limitations in Sphinx's generation of text output, attribution URLs are missing from this version and the textual rendering of inline images is less than ideal. The HTML version included in the QuickTile manual should be preferred where possible. The Program ----------- QuickTile is primarily the work of `Stephan Sokolow`_, however, it has received various contributions over the years. Thanks go out to the following people: `David Stygstra`_ Generalized the ``move-to-center`` command into the ``move-to-*`` family of commands. `Gustavo J A M Carneiro`_ and `Filip Van Raemdonck`_ Created the ``gtkexcepthook`` module in `the form I started from `_. Justin Added the ``horizontal-maximize``, ``vertical-maximize``, and ``move-to-center`` commands. `Matthias Putz`_ Fixed use of an uninitialized variable in a difficult-to-trigger failure case. `Max Weiß`_ * Added the ``KEYLOOKUP`` dict to compensate for un-intuitive omissions for the symbol names of common keys. * Reworked the shebang to address the period when some Linux distros lacked a :command:`python2` binary while others linked :command:`python` to Python 3. `Oliver Gerlich`_ Corrected an omission on the list of dependencies for CentOS 7 and possibly other Red Hat-family distros. `Stéphane Gourichon`_ * Researched how to create ``.deb`` packages * Wrote :file:`recompile_local_debian_package.sh` * Set up the necessary package metadata for building a ``.deb``. `Stuart Axelbrooke`_ Corrected a flaw in the window-tiling heuristics which prevented them from functioning correctly on especially large monitors. `Thomas Vander Stichele`_ Helped to clean up the API documentation during the ePyDoc_ era. `Valdis Vitolins`_ Added an omitted dependency on ``python-setuptools`` to :file:`README.rst` `Valentin Agachi`_ Corrected window-layout calculations to use :py:func:`round` for pixel values. `Yuting/Tim Xiao`_ Made the window-tiling heuristics more robust. The Manual ---------- With the following exceptions, all text and illustrations in the manual are copyright `Stephan Sokolow`_. It should be assumed that, as the contents of the API documentation section are extracted from the source code, the copyright of a given entry will be the same as the code it describes. The text of the Alabaster_ theme for Sphinx_, and any generated text inserted by Sphinx are copyright their respective rightsholders. Imagery ^^^^^^^ The following illustrations are copyright `David Stygstra`_: * ``bordered.svg`` * ``bottom-left.svg`` * ``bottom-right.svg`` * ``bottom.svg`` * ``fullscreen.svg`` * ``horizontal-maximize.svg`` * ``left.svg`` * ``maximize.svg`` * ``middle.svg`` * ``minimize.svg`` * ``move-to-bottom-left.svg`` * ``move-to-bottom-right.svg`` * ``move-to-bottom.svg`` * ``move-to-center.svg`` * ``move-to-left.svg`` * ``move-to-right.svg`` * ``move-to-top-left.svg`` * ``move-to-top-right.svg`` * ``move-to-top.svg`` * ``right.svg`` * ``shade.svg`` * ``top-left.svg`` * ``top-right.svg`` * ``top.svg`` * ``vertical-maximize.svg`` |bug.png| and |wrench.png| from the `Silk Icons`_ set by `Mark James`_ are used under the `Creative Commons Attribution 2.5`_ license. The |license.svg| badge is a locally cached copy of an SVG file generated by Shields.io_. All other favicons and logos are copyright their respective owners and used only to display favicon-style links to their owners' websites. .. |bug.png| image:: ../_static/contrib_box/bug.png .. |wrench.png| image:: ../wrench.png .. |license.svg| image:: ../_static/license.svg :alt: GPLv2+ License .. _Alabaster: https://alabaster.readthedocs.io/ .. _Creative Commons Attribution 2.5: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/ .. _David Stygstra: https://github.com/stygstra .. _ePyDoc: http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/ .. _Filip van Raemdonck: https://www.linkedin.com/in/filip-van-raemdonck/ .. _Gustavo J A M Carneiro: https://github.com/gjcarneiro .. _Mark James: https://twitter.com/markjames .. _Matthias Putz: https://github.com/mputz86 .. _Max Weiß: https://github.com/wmax .. _Oliver Gerlich: https://github.com/oliver .. _Shields.io: https://shields.io/ .. _Silk Icons: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ .. _Sphinx: https://alabaster.readthedocs.io/ .. _Stephan Sokolow: http://ssokolow.com/ .. _Stéphane Gourichon: https://github.com/fidergo-stephane-gourichon .. _Stuart Axelbrooke: https://github.com/soaxelbrooke .. _Thomas Vander Stichele: https://thomas.apestaart.org/ .. _Valdis Vitolins: https://github.com/valdisvi .. _Valentin Agachi: https://github.com/avaly .. _Yuting/Tim Xiao: https://github.com/txiao .. NOTE: For "Yuting/Tim Xiao", the commits are signed "Yuting Xiao" but the name on the associated GitHub account has since been changed to "Tim Xiao". I am operating on the assumption that this is a case of "Yuting" being the contributor's legal name and "Tim" being a nickname the contributor has taken to more easily interact with peers... it's apparently a common practice.